Monday, April 30, 2012

Moving forward with this project full speed. There are lots of details to take care of. For example, we have 40 prints from the old series (1937) that were done at the Historical Society. We have all my negatives and prints from 1978. Plus contact sheets. Plus documentation, folders and folders. Now we have negatives, CD's, digital photographs. The process is to upload the photos to Picasa, give them captions after comparing the negatives to the digital views as well as the list of sites photographed, then upload to Picasa Web Albums. I also enlarge the thumbnails from the CD hardcopy "contact sheet." I'm searching for a way to create contact sheets from my negatives without setting up a darkroom again. I keep a master list of the rephotographed images, with information such as WPA number, whether there was a print or xerox from 1937, whether I photographed the image in 1978-79, the name of the contact sheet and negative number(s), identifying details such as addresses, buildings, signs--from both 1937 and 1978--then the dates when the image was rephotographed in 2010-12, the negative numbers, the CD numbers, new addresses, buildings, signs, whether the image has been uploaded to Picasa Web Albums with captions, other notes. Then each view is printed out on plain paper, identifying information is written on it, and the image compared to the two earlier views. Still to come: take every printed modern image and walk the streets, ensuring that the image shows the correct street corner. Also looking for a program that will allow us to print out every image on digital photo paper. Have Adobe Photo Elements...will try it.